Celebrating Innovation - NextRoll's Hack Week 2023 H2 Winners

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Here at NextRoll, we have a wide range of work. Our efforts are geared towards improving and further developing one of the biggest self-service marketing platforms. This is done by focusing on data pipelines, data visualization, machine learning, and platform usability.
We use the infrastructure of AWS, Amazon web services, and its corresponding products—such as Dynamo, Kinesis, EC2, VMR, EMR, and S3—to serve 50 billion ad impressions per day, to scale very quickly in new markets, and to develop products whole lot faster. This in turn allows our engineers to divert most of their attention towards building products and helping businesses grow. Additionally, with the use of pixels, we use our internally built open-sourced library TrailDB and cross-device graph to map interactions into a holistic customer journey.
This team works on the infrastructure to purchase the ad space inventory. Volume on the system is huge, about 100 billion daily requests—that’s a million requests per second. It’s the largest piece of infrastructure in the company. They keep the system alive and responding to the volume.
The Big Data team processes raw data, produced by RTB and other sources, into the forum so it can be presented to clients. A big part of their work is to compute various metrics and make them useful. In other words, they pair the right info to the right question the client may have. Their main focus is on transparency, that way customers can learn what's working and what’s not.
Data Science’s first priority is pricing bid requests—whatever RTB sends over, they price it. This team is constantly changing models and the algorithm to account for new incoming data. The work done is high-math based and has a huge scale. The first step of solving a problem is framing it—with this group, the problem is always changing. These problems are typically fun and interesting in nature.
The Infrastructure team collaborates closely with Data Science to ensure that there the rest of the engineering teams get real-time data without any issues. They build the infrastructure that allows data science and other teams to do their work without any delays.
The Applications team builds products for both internal and external users—essentially every user-facing product NextRoll produces. They are the only group that is primarily focused on user interaction. This team collaborates with designers and product managers to ensure that everything that is built fits our users’ needs.
BI is responsible for measuring how well NextRoll is performing for clients. This group ensures that clients have access to high-impact ad inventories. Additionally, the team helps incubate new products by measuring their effectiveness. They analyze the most interesting data sets and come up with insights that optimize our algorithm—curious minds are always welcomed.
Solutions engineers are the most client-facing team. They work closely with sales (with onboarding and post-launch issues) and customers’ implication teams to solve wide-ranging issues—covering all verticals. They’re time is split between writing code and interacting with customers. This group contains members with very diverse set of backgrounds and is the only team that codes in different techs. Hummus lovers are appreciated.
We’ve hit a growth sweet spot—big enough to provide all the resources and perks you’d need and small enough for your voice to carry real weight. For the seventh time, NextRoll, formerly AdRoll Group, was ranked among the top large companies in the Bay Area by San Francisco Business Times’ Best Places to Work. We make sure to take care of our engineers. Whether you’re someone that needs more guidance, space to be creative, or work remotely—anywhere in the world—we have the culture to support it. Our founder Aaron Bell, is an engineer, so there is an emphasis to ensure that the team has the bandwidth to focus on the things that are most important to them. You’ll be given freedom, flexibility, and full ownership of your projects. Whether you're experienced or just learning these languages, we're looking for smart, proactive people who can roll with us. We’re an easygoing group filled with diverse personalities, so fitting in won’t be an issue. As we continue to grow and scale our global footprint, our team and culture remain stronger than ever.